The Artist

Blake Shanley, Artist and Owner of Tiny Taiga and Tiny Taiga Santa Fe has been a life-long philosopher, researcher, curious explorer, joyful adventurer, creator, independent thinker and avid appreciator of information, knowledge, health, beauty and truth.

She has made her own personal evolution, enlightenment and expansion, her holistic health, wholeness and ever-deepening wisdom, her main goals in life, and what she has discovered and integrated throughout the process is what she set out to offer others to inspire their own journey toward joy, vitality, abundance, gratitude and true love.

Through her art, words and creations, she seeks to infuse and energize people, places, things and ideas with vibrant color, beauty, nature, innate wisdom, vitality, feminine essence and unadulterated joy.

A call and response for the alignment of mind, body and spirit with a dash of magic, play, humor and a whole lot of Love.